HR Success
Mind your business, we'll mind your HR
We work with small businesses to ensure that your HR efforts protect your Brand & business reputation. We focus on the impact on and the impact of your employees with an emphasis on Personal Connection. This in turn gives you control and confidence in your business.
What we Offer

Why use HR Success
Entrepreneurs who start their own small businesses don’t often realise the amount of time and energy that goes into recruiting the right people for their business, building a team that will stay and managing employee relationships not to mention all the processes and procedures that need to be in place to be compliant.
This can become overwhelming and often doesn’t become an issue until there is an employee issue that needs to be dealt with or legislation that hasn’t been complied with. It then becomes like a firefighting exercise and takes valuable resources away from focusing on the purpose o f the business.
This is where somebody like HR Success comes in. We work with small businesses who often don’t have the financial resources no indeed the workload to justify creating a dedicated HR position. However, they do need guidance and to know that they have all the necessary HR procedures in place and are providing all the support pertinent to supporting their employees and ensuring they are encouraged and facilitated to be the best they can be.
We can ensure all this happens seamlessly, in line with your business mission and values and at a pace that works for you and your team.
Having HR Success on board enables you to redirect your focus to core business activities having the peace of mind of knowing that we will make sure you are compliant and that you attract, hire and retain the right talent.
You have access to us at short notice via phone and we also ensure we visit your business and get to know you and your employees so everything we do with you can be best fit for your culture.
HR Services
“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life” – Renee West, President and COO of Luxor and Excalibur Hotel.
Employee Recruitment
We can work with you to identify a recruitment strategy that meets the need of your business - we can assist in advertising and recruiting.
Employee Retention
Salary is only one aspect of why people stay in their roles. There are so many other ways of ensuring you retain your employees from performance management to training and development.
Employee Relations
Sometimes you are faced with challenging relationship management amongst employees. This can lead to difficulty in creating an engaging and positive work environment.
Helpful Information
From the moment you advertise a position within your business, you are engaging with potential employees.
It’s amazing how many small businesses have been working without having the basics in place. Things such as Contracts of Employment, Job Descriptions, policies and procedures. This is simply due to a lack of awareness or the time to implement these requirements.
Every employee has a statutory entitlement to a Contract of Employment and a Job Description. Also, apart from the Statutory Requirement, by having these in place, everybody knows what the expectations are and there’s little room for surprise.
At a minimum and to enjoy peace of mind whilst giving you and your employees the tools to enhance your working relationship, get these basics in place.
Contract of Employment
An employer must also provide each new employee with a written statement of terms of employment within one month of commencement of employment.
Job Description
All employees are entitled to a Job Description which outlines clearly what is expected of them to meet the requirements of the role.
Company Handbook
Your Company Handbook should include information specific to your business as well as all the Policies and Procedures, providing clarity and consistency in company practice.